Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Chat With Trista Sutter...

We all know Trista Sutter. The super sweet former participant on ABC's The Bachelor. Lucky for her it was a blessing in disguise as she was the runner-up for the show's first season and she was made the first star of one of our favorite shows, The Bachelorette. But now we know Trista as a hard working momma and loving wife and just a down to earth gal. We were beyond excited when our editor, Casi, sat down with her and catch up on everything in her life!

Since watching you on The Bachelorette your life has changed so much. Did you ever imagine when you signed on with ABC that you would be where you are today?

NOT at all!!!  I seriously was just hoping for a fun little trip to Malibu and a cool adventure with the first Bachelor.  But much more than that happened...with the icing on the cake of course being my blessing of a family!!  

Would you ever consider having your own reality show with Ryan and your family? 

We have considered it and have had numerous offers for one, but up until this point have decided that it wasn't quite the right time.  Never say never though!

Seeing your tweets during the last seasons, we know you still must be a fan. Do you have a favorite season to date? 

I am definitely still a fan and always will be!!  Watching the show honestly takes me back to how I fell in love with Ryan, so I LOVE it!  Favorite season to date...of course the first Bachelorette!!!  If it's not a season I was on, then I would have to say that I loved watching Bob search for love. He's still a good friend and I wanted him to find the woman he deserved.   

What did you think about the most recent bachelorette Ali's decision? 

I thought Ali and Roberto was a match made in chemistry heaven.  From what I saw as a viewer, it looked like they were genuinely in love and sincere in their desire to find someone. 

As a mother of two you look fantastic! How do you find time to exercise? Do you stick to a plan or diet?

Thank you!!!!  Honestly, I have no idea.  I think it's really all about holding yourself accountable, and for me, that means hiring a trainer or setting a time with friends to take our friends for a walk.  I don't really stick to a plan other than chasing 2 kids around my house all the time!!!  I do take a supplement called Abdominal Cuts that helps with my midsection and helped me lose weight after both my babies were born.  It doesn't make you feel jittery and is filled with omegas and vitamins.  I love it.  ( I also truly believe in eating in moderation!

I have 3 girls under 7 and I have to tell you that I just ADORE the collection you designed for My Vintage Baby, "Winter Rose" - especially the mixing of prints and the detail in the jeans are just so different which we always look for. It is just so precious! How did your partnership come about? Are you working on your next collection? 

 I'm so happy to hear that...thank you!!!  I actually heard about the line through Twitter and then met the founders at an event they were sponsoring in New York.  They asked if I'd be interested in collaborating and I was ALL for it!!  Not only did I fall in love with their clothes, but their business helps support stay at home moms who are reps and donates a portion of the proceeds to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  It just felt right.  We are working on our next much fun!!

What is one piece of advice you would give to all those mommas out there when it comes balancing work and family?   

Remember that you are human and you can't always do it all. It's okay to say "no" to whatever and whomever, if you are feeling overwhelmed, and know that people will (or at least should!) respect you for doing what you have to do for you and your family.

What is up next for you?  

 Wow...a lot actually.  The Biggest and most important thing, (as always!) is making sure my kids and husband are happy!  Next on the list right now...supporting Ryan and helping him reach his goal of raising $100,000 for an adventure camp for young adults with cancer through an organization called First Descents.  We are still looking for $10 from 10,000 is a truly inspirational cause as we have learned firsthand through its campers and attending a camp ourselves.  Just go to:  First Descents.

And now, see just what you DON'T know about Trista:
1.    I can wiggle my ears.
2.    I am a true Hoosier...being born in Indianapolis and going to Indiana University.
3.    I can't eat foods that are jiggly or mushy or extra chewy textures (i.e., bananas, jello, and seafood).
4.    I get teary when I yawn.
5.    I am allergic to dogs, cats, and especially horses and still get hives when I pet my own dogs.
6.    I have a half sister and a step sister, but grew up as an only child.
7.    My favorite sound is the laughter of my children.
8.    One of my dreams is to write a children's book.
9.    I had my gallbladder removed.
10.  I am a HUGE country music fan...especially of Tim and Faith and Brad Paisley.
11.  I don't drink a lot of caffeine.
12.  I was on the first season of Dancing with the Stars and got "beat" by Evander Holyfield!
13.  My husband is the person I admire the most.
14.  I've always wanted to attend New York Fashion Week.
15.  I am ADDICTED to red velvet cupcakes.

Not only is Trista a FABulous cupcakeMAG supporter she is a super-mom and a genuine, down-to-earth person. We just adore Trista! For all things Trista, follow her on Twitter!

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