Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jillian Harris sits down with us!

When we found out a few months ago that Jillian Harris would be joining one of our favorite shows, ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition we were beyond thrilled to have Jillian back on the big screen. Yesterday if you missed our latest news you can read all the details here and make sure you don't miss the season premiere on Sunday. In the mean time we chatted with Jillian yesterday about the big preimere and just what we can expect this season! 

How did you joining the team come about? 

After I came off Bachelorette,  I was asked by a few ABC exec’s what my next plan was. I said to get off TV! (laughs) I was in publicity overdrive and honestly just thought about going back to my old job and escaping all things TMZ and Us Weekly.  Someone asked me if there was ANYWAY I'd continue on, as a host or correspondent and I said no. And then I said the ONLY show I would ever do was Extreme Makeover: Home Edition – they soon called me up (I think completely separate from that conversation) and asked if I wanted to do a guest appearance.  The guest appearance led to a full time gig and now I've landed the job of my dreams!

Were you a fan of the show? 

I swear ABC is not paying me to say this, but I’m an ABC girl.  I don’t watch a lot of TV but when I do, its The Bachelor and Bachelorette,  America’s Funniest Home Videos and Extreme Makeover.  (can you tell I'm a sucker for feel good TV?)  

We can only imagine how it is behind-the-scenes? How fun is taping? 

Behind the scenes is just as hectic as you would think.  There are fans lined up along the streets from morning till night all 7 days.  There are tents everywhere for people to eat and hang out to watch the build.  At night when the cameras stop rolling,  they pump up music on massive speakers to get the whole neighborhood pumped!  Its like a big party, where everyone is stressed out running around like chickens with their heads cut off! (laughs) 

Do you have a favorite episode so far?  

My favorite is probably the one coming up (the premiere) .  I was going through some really tough personal struggles in my life, and was loosing someone I loved more than the world.  I choked back tears the entire morning when we met the family. But when I heard one of the mama’s stories, about how she lost her husband – I broke down.  It was a huge moment for me, to realize that life sometimes just isn't fair, and you can love someone your whole life and STILL lose them ... Forever!   It was one of those pivotal moments for me, especially for the struggles I had been going through,  that as sad as I was, I knew I had a good life and lots of time ahead of me, it was important for me to be strong for this family and remember that I have an opportunity to give them love and support.  I left that episode feeling so excited about my opportunities and life!

We have to ask, Is Ty always yelling? He is always so excited! 

No. Actually he’s a pretty chill guy.  I think when he gets excited. Yes he’s yelling. And on the show... Everyone is always really excited so you see him always on fire! But... When we have down time – he’s pretty relaxed and chill.  

What inspires you when designing? Do you have a favorite room you like to decorate?  

I love decorating the girls rooms – I have been lucky so far to always get a girls room to decorate.  I can regress and imagine what my own would look like or even think about how I’d decorate my own little girls room one day!  I connect with kids, so as much as I thought I wouldn’t enjoy doing the kids rooms ( I was worried about the rooms coming off too cheesy)  I actually really do!  I love doing bathrooms too – I love a good spa bath! 

Can you give us any designer tips we can use in our own home?

My one tip is own your style.  Never make your space feel like you just walked into a box store.  Mix and match styles according to your personality and don’t spend more than you can afford.  I always say splurge on the items you’ll have forever and never get sick of (sofa, coffee table etc)  and save on accessories.  I like to splurge on one or two accessories ( my latest favorite are the burlap pillows from cottage coastal store) Also with art, I always recommend people connect with their art.  When I travel I look for prints, newspapers, trinkets, keys or any little keepsake that I can frame.  I now have a collection of one of a kind art, that tells a story.   

Make sure you tune into ABC on Sunday night for the big season premiere and follow Jillian on Twitter! 

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